【同义词辨析】 2019-02-04 业余amateur-tyro

amateur: often applies to one practicing an art without mastery of its essentials: a painting obviously done by an ~; and in sports it may also suggest not so much lack of skill but avoidance of direct remuneration: must remain an ~ in order to qualify for the Olympics.

dilettante: may apply to the lover of an art rather than its skilled practitioner but usually implies elegant trifling in the arts and an absence of serious commitment: a serious art teacher with no patience for ~s. trifle泛指玩弄,如玩耍不关心轻浮

dabbler: suggests a lack of serious purpose, desultory habits of work, and lack of persistence: a ~ who never finished a single novel.   (desultory散乱无条理: 从一处跳到另一处,缺乏系统方法连贯implies a jumping or skipping from one thing to another without method or system and a consequently inconsistent performance and lack of continuity,如a desultory discussion of current events散乱地讨论当前时事)

tyro: implies inexperience and the attendant incompetence often combined with audacity resulting in crudeness or blundering: a ~ who has yet to master the basics of playwriting.  blunder通常是低级错误

amateur业余爱好者、选手: 指涉足某门艺术未掌握必要技能的人;或参与体育比赛不要报酬的人,dilettante也是业余爱好者: 指喜欢某门艺术但不专业不投入的人,dabbler浅尝辄止半瓶醋涉猎: 不认真不专注不坚持,tyro新手: 指缺乏经验能力欠慎重,因此做事粗糙出错

记忆方法:1)业余的意思是涉足某事不熟练不专业的人mean a person who follows a pursuit without attaining proficiency or professional status.